Monday, July 31, 2006

Gathering for August 13

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During my time at the Gothic Rockpile my understanding of theology was greatly shaped by the Black Church tradition. Within that tradition there is an interpretation of Triduum (Maundy Thursday evening, Good Friday and Holy Saturday combined) that has offered me much counsel, especially while I was serving in Great Britain. Summer and I lived in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood in the racially-tense city of Oldham. We were there on Sept. 11, 2001. It was a day when I understood all to well what Good Friday must have felt like...a day when unreal horror was all to real. It was a day when I felt I might know something about how the disciples felt when they stared at the Son of God on the cross. Both days were days marked by horror, disbelief, and uncertainty. Days marked by the constant question of "how could this happen?" leading to the question "what happens next?" My churches called to offer prayers. The local press called to ask for a statement. Great, I get to speak for all Americans! The reporter asked, "what do you have to say about this as an American?" First, I dismissed the adjective "American," I said that I preferred to respond as an individual since I couldn't possibly speak for all of America and that if I had to speak as part of a group I'd choose "Christ before Country." I then drew on the depth of the Black Church tradition's interpretation of Triduum. "At this point we come to a moment that can only be described as Good Friday. A day marked by disbelief and doubt. A day marked by horror and shock. A day marked by humanity's failure to be anything but humane. At this time, I, like much of the world, must endure this day for as long as it will last. I know worse is yet to come, for we will have to endure a time of uncertainty as we, as a world, endure Holy Saturday. Yet, for every Good Friday and Holy Saturday there will be a new dawn, another day, a day of resurrection and new life because following every Good Friday and Holy Saturday there is an Easter Sunday." I ended my comments at that point and hung up the phone. I was shocked when the openly anti-faith newspaper actually published my comment. I have offered that interpretation of Triduum to many a person when they were enduring a Good Friday and Holy Saturday time in their life. This week, oh yeah here's the link to our reading for this week, I want us to share our Good Friday and Holy Saturday times...those moments of darkness. I want us to share these times, anticipating the time when we speak about "and on the third day he rose again." I want us to share so that when we say that part of the Creed we might pause, even if only briefly, holding all those dark moments in our minds to then surrender them to the light of Easter. So post a story, a phrase, an image...whatever. I am really looking for this Sunday to be more of a time of worship as well as a discussion.