Monday, August 21, 2006

Gathering for August 27th

Coach Mike Krzyzewski... Yes, I realize that by opening with a reference to Coach K I just caused most of you to cruise to other blogs. Hear me out! Part of the Duke mentality that Coach K instills in his players is that they are part of something greater than themselves. I wonder if the same mentality rests in the heart of our faith. James Howell points out that in all the gospels' accounts of the resurrection it is never about us, but about something greater than us. In other words, the sentimental beliefs that the resurrection is just about you and I living forever or us being reunited with some lost loved ones both focuses too much on the makes the resurrection about you and I...and not God. Howell asks us to consider what Coach K asks his players to consider, what if this thing, for our purposes the resurrection, is bigger than me? Seriously, what if the resurrection is God's way of saying, "I am God," "Jesus really is my son," or "in the end...I always win." This week, we'll talk begin to talk about the wonderful mystery that is the resurrection and what this event means.