Friday, September 08, 2006

Gathering for Sept. 10

Other than Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr is probably the best known physicist of the twentieth century (check the wikipedia link, he has awesome quotes). There is this story of a friend entering Bohr's office one day to notice there was a horseshoe hung above the door. The friend said, "what's this?" Bohr replied, "A lucky horseshoe." The friend said, "You are a physicist; surely you're not a superstitious person." Bohr said, "I'm not superstitious. However, I am led to believe that this horseshoe works whether you believe in it or not." Wow, that is like the best example of faith...even the faith that it takes to believe in something as radical as the Christmas or Easter. Faith acts independent of us, faith invites us in...invites us to believe and then sustains us to believe. I wanted to share this thought to add to last week's on to this week's talk.
This Sunday we are continuing to discuss the resurrection. In a sense, if there is no resurrection there is no faith (both that which we believe and the power that enables us to believe it...the word faith can be understood in those two ways). Yet this Sunday I want us to consider something Christ resurrection is soon followed by his ascension. (do more later)

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